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TclXPCOMObjType.cpp File Reference

#include "TclXPCOMPrivate.h"
#include "prprf.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  TclXPCOM_Command
struct  TclXPCOM_ResolvedCmdName




typedef TclXPCOM_Command TclXPCOM_Command
typedef TclXPCOM_ResolvedCmdName TclXPCOM_ResolvedCmdName


void UpdateStringOfPointer (Tcl_Obj *objPtr)
int SetPointerFromAny (Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *objPtr)
void FreeISupportsObj (Tcl_Obj *objPtr)
void DuplicateISupportsObj (Tcl_Obj *srcPtr, Tcl_Obj *dupPtr)
void UpdateStringOfISupports (Tcl_Obj *objPtr)
int SetISupportsFromAny (Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *objPtr)
void FreeCmdNameObj (Tcl_Obj *objPtr)
void DuplicateCmdNameObj (Tcl_Obj *srcPtr, Tcl_Obj *dupPtr)
void UpdateStringOfCmdName (Tcl_Obj *objPtr)
int SetCmdNameFromAny (Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *objPtr)
void FreeIdentifierObj (Tcl_Obj *objPtr)
void DuplicateIdentifierObj (Tcl_Obj *srcPtr, Tcl_Obj *dupPtr)
void UpdateStringOfIdentifier (Tcl_Obj *objPtr)
int SetIdentifierFromAny (Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *objPtr)
void FreeNsIDObj (Tcl_Obj *objPtr)
void DuplicateNsIDObj (Tcl_Obj *srcPtr, Tcl_Obj *dupPtr)
void UpdateStringOfNsID (Tcl_Obj *objPtr)
int SetNsIDFromAny (Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *objPtr)
void UpdateStringOfWideInt (Tcl_Obj *objPtr)
int SetWideIntFromAny (Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *objPtr)
Tcl_Obj * TclXPCOM_NewWideIntObj (PRInt64 wideint)
int TclXPCOM_GetWideIntFromObj (Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *objPtr, PRInt64 *wideint)
Tcl_Obj * TclXPCOM_NewISupportsObj (nsISupports *isupports, nsIInterfaceInfo *interfaceinfo)
Tcl_Obj * TclXPCOM_NewNsIDObj (nsID *id)
Tcl_Obj * TclXPCOM_NewIdentifierObj (nsIInterfaceInfo *interfaceinfo, char *identifier)
Tcl_Obj * TclXPCOM_NewPointerObj (void *ptr)
int TclXPCOM_GetPointerFromObj (Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *objPtr, void **ptr)
int TclXPCOM_IsNULL (Tcl_Obj *objPtr)
int TclXPCOM_GetISupportsFromObj (Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *objPtr, nsISupports **isupports, nsIInterfaceInfo **interfaceinfo)
int TclXPCOM_QueryISupportsObj (Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *objPtr, nsIInterfaceInfo *queryinfo, nsISupports **result)
int TclXPCOM_GetIdentifierFromObj (Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *objPtr, nsIInterfaceInfo **interfaceinfo, char **identifier)
int TclXPCOM_GetNsIDFromObj (Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *objPtr, nsID **id)
void TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes (void)


TclXPCOM_Command isupportscmd
TclXPCOM_ResolvedCmdName resolvedisupports
Tcl_ObjType ISupportsType
Tcl_ObjType SavedCmdNameType
Tcl_ObjType NsIDType
Tcl_ObjType PointerType
Tcl_ObjType IdentifierType
Tcl_ObjType * CmdNameType
Tcl_ObjType WideIntType

Detailed Description

Contains functions for handling custom TclXPCOM objects.

Definition in file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

Define Documentation


Definition at line 46 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

Referenced by TclXPCOM_IsNULL, and UpdateStringOfPointer.


Definition at line 157 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

Referenced by TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct TclXPCOM_Command TclXPCOM_Command

The following are structures used by the Tcl 'cmdName' object type, which caches command lookups. We are hijacking this type in order to allow the TclXPCOM isupports object to act as a command. This provides for oo-style method invocation, like this:

[$component QueryInterface nsISupports]

instead of this:

[xpcom::invoke $component QueryInterface nsISupports]

(both of the above are equivalent)

typedef struct Command { Tcl_HashEntry *hPtr; Namespace *nsPtr; int refCount; int cmdEpoch; CompileProc *compileProc; Tcl_ObjCmdProc *objProc; ClientData objClientData; Tcl_CmdProc *proc; ClientData clientData; Tcl_CmdDeleteProc *deleteProc; ClientData deleteData; int flags; ImportRef *importRefPtr; CommandTrace *tracePtr; } Command;

typedef struct ResolvedCmdName { Command *cmdPtr; Namespace *refNsPtr; long refNsId; int refNsCmdEpoch; int cmdEpoch; int refCount; } ResolvedCmdName;

typedef struct TclXPCOM_ResolvedCmdName TclXPCOM_ResolvedCmdName

Function Documentation

void UpdateStringOfPointer Tcl_Obj *    objPtr [static]

Sets the string representation of a TclXPCOM pointer object.

objPtr  (in) Tcl object to set string rep

Definition at line 165 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.


Referenced by TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes.

int SetPointerFromAny Tcl_Interp *    interp,
Tcl_Obj *    objPtr

Attempts to convert a Tcl object to a TclXPCOM pointer object based on its string representation. If 'interp' is not NULL, then its result will be set to any error messages if the conversion failed.

Return values:
TCL_OK  - if conversion was successful
TCL_ERROR  - if an error occurred
interp  (in) interpreter to store any error messages
objPtr  (in) Tcl object to convert

Definition at line 198 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

References PointerType, and TclXPCOM_IsNULL.

Referenced by TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes.

void FreeISupportsObj Tcl_Obj *    objPtr [static]

Frees a TclXPCOM interface reference object.

objPtr  (in) Tcl object to free

Definition at line 245 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

References ReleaseInterface.

Referenced by FreeCmdNameObj, and TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes.

void DuplicateISupportsObj Tcl_Obj *    srcPtr,
Tcl_Obj *    dupPtr

Duplicates a TclXPCOM interface reference object.

srcPtr  (in) source Tcl object
dupPtr  (in) duplicate Tcl object

Definition at line 263 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

References AddRefInterface.

Referenced by DuplicateCmdNameObj, and TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes.

void UpdateStringOfISupports Tcl_Obj *    objPtr [static]

Sets the string representation of a TclXPCOM interface reference object.

objPtr  (in) Tcl object to set string rep

Definition at line 286 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

Referenced by TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes, and UpdateStringOfCmdName.

int SetISupportsFromAny Tcl_Interp *    interp,
Tcl_Obj *    objPtr

Attempts to convert a Tcl object to a TclXPCOM interface reference object based on its string representation. If 'interp' is not NULL, then its result will be set to any error messages if the conversion failed.

Return values:
TCL_OK  - if conversion was successful
TCL_ERROR  - if an error occurred
interp  (in) interpreter to store any error messages
objPtr  (in) Tcl object to convert

Definition at line 320 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

References AddRefInterface, CmdNameType, GetInterfaceRef, and QueryInterfaceIRef.

Referenced by SetCmdNameFromAny, and TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes.

void FreeCmdNameObj Tcl_Obj *    objPtr [static]

Replacement for the built-in FreeCmdNameInternalRep function.

objPtr  (in) Tcl object to free

Definition at line 408 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

References FreeISupportsObj, and SavedCmdNameType.

Referenced by TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes.

void DuplicateCmdNameObj Tcl_Obj *    srcPtr,
Tcl_Obj *    dupPtr

Replacement for the built-in DupCmdNameInternalRep function.

srcPtr  (in) source Tcl object
dupPtr  (in) duplicate Tcl object

Definition at line 428 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

References DuplicateISupportsObj, and SavedCmdNameType.

Referenced by TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes.

void UpdateStringOfCmdName Tcl_Obj *    objPtr [static]

Replacement for the (non-existent) built-in UpdateStringOfCmdName function.

objPtr  (in) Tcl object to set string rep

Definition at line 450 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

References UpdateStringOfISupports.

Referenced by TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes.

int SetCmdNameFromAny Tcl_Interp *    interp,
Tcl_Obj *    objPtr

Replacement for the built-in SetCmdNameFromAny function.

Return values:
TCL_OK  - if conversion was successful
TCL_ERROR  - if an error occurred
interp  (in) interpreter to store any error messages
objPtr  (in) Tcl object to convert

Definition at line 473 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

References SavedCmdNameType, and SetISupportsFromAny.

Referenced by TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes.

void FreeIdentifierObj Tcl_Obj *    objPtr [static]

Frees a TclXPCOM identifier object.

objPtr  (in) Tcl object to free

Definition at line 498 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

Referenced by TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes.

void DuplicateIdentifierObj Tcl_Obj *    srcPtr,
Tcl_Obj *    dupPtr

Duplicates a TclXPCOM identifier object.

srcPtr  (in) source Tcl object
dupPtr  (in) duplicate Tcl object

Definition at line 520 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

References CloneMemory.

Referenced by TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes.

void UpdateStringOfIdentifier Tcl_Obj *    objPtr [static]

Sets the string representation of a TclXPCOM identifier object.

objPtr  (in) Tcl object to set string rep

Definition at line 545 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

Referenced by TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes.

int SetIdentifierFromAny Tcl_Interp *    interp,
Tcl_Obj *    objPtr

Attempts to convert a Tcl object to a TclXPCOM identifier object based on its string representation. The identifier may be prefixed with a known interface name. If 'interp' is not NULL, then its result will be set to any error messages if the conversion failed.

Return values:
TCL_OK  - if conversion was successful
TCL_ERROR  - if an error occurred
interp  (in) interpreter to store any error messages
objPtr  (in) Tcl object to convert

Definition at line 592 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

References CloneMemory, and IdentifierType.

Referenced by TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes.

void FreeNsIDObj Tcl_Obj *    objPtr [static]

Frees a TclXPCOM nsID object.

objPtr  (in) Tcl object to free

Definition at line 665 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

Referenced by TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes.

void DuplicateNsIDObj Tcl_Obj *    srcPtr,
Tcl_Obj *    dupPtr

Duplicates a TclXPCOM nsID object.

srcPtr  (in) source Tcl object
dupPtr  (in) duplicate Tcl object

Definition at line 679 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

References CloneMemory.

Referenced by TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes.

void UpdateStringOfNsID Tcl_Obj *    objPtr [static]

Sets the string representation of a TclXPCOM nsID object.

objPtr  (in) Tcl object to set string rep

Definition at line 695 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

Referenced by TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes.

int SetNsIDFromAny Tcl_Interp *    interp,
Tcl_Obj *    objPtr

Attempts to convert a Tcl object to a TclXPCOM nsID object based on its string representation. The object's string representation may match any known interface name, contract id, or raw unique id string. If 'interp' is not NULL, then its result will be set to any error messages if the conversion failed.

Return values:
TCL_OK  - if conversion was successful
TCL_ERROR  - if an error occurred
interp  (in) interpreter to store any error messages
objPtr  (in) Tcl object to convert

Definition at line 741 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

References CloneMemory, and NsIDType.

Referenced by TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes.

void UpdateStringOfWideInt Tcl_Obj *    objPtr [static]

Sets the string representation of a TclXPCOM 64-bit integer object.

objPtr  (in) Tcl object to set string rep

Definition at line 790 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

Referenced by TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes.

int SetWideIntFromAny Tcl_Interp *    interp,
Tcl_Obj *    objPtr

Attempts to convert a Tcl object to a TclXPCOM 64-bit integer object based on its string representation. If 'interp' is not NULL, then its result will be set to any error messages if the conversion failed.

Return values:
TCL_OK  - if conversion was successful
TCL_ERROR  - if an error occurred
interp  (in) interpreter to store any error messages
objPtr  (in) Tcl object to convert

Definition at line 817 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

References WideIntType.

Referenced by TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes.

Tcl_Obj* TclXPCOM_NewWideIntObj PRInt64    wideint

Creates a new TclXPCOM 64-bit integer object.

a new 64-bit integer object with refcount 0
wideint  (in) 64-bit integer

Definition at line 861 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

References WideIntType.

int TclXPCOM_GetWideIntFromObj Tcl_Interp *    interp,
Tcl_Obj *    objPtr,
PRInt64 *    wideint

Retrieves the TclXPCOM 64-bit integer internal representation from a Tcl object. If an error occurs, a message will be left in 'interp's result unless 'interp' is NULL.

Return values:
TCL_OK  - if successful
TCL_ERROR  - if an error occurred
interp  (in) interpreter to store any error messages
objPtr  (in) Tcl object
wideint  (out) address to store the 64-bit integer

Definition at line 887 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

References WideIntType.

Tcl_Obj* TclXPCOM_NewISupportsObj nsISupports *    isupports,
nsIInterfaceInfo *    interfaceinfo

Creates a new TclXPCOM interface reference object that holds a new Addrefed interface pointer.

a new interface reference object with refcount 0
isupports  (in) interface pointer
interfaceinfo  (in) interface info

Definition at line 919 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

References AddRefInterface, and CmdNameType.

Tcl_Obj* TclXPCOM_NewNsIDObj nsID *    id

Creates a new TclXPCOM nsID object that holds a copy of the given nsID.

a new nsID object with refcount 0
id  (in) nsID to be held by the object

Definition at line 949 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

References CloneMemory, and NsIDType.

Tcl_Obj* TclXPCOM_NewIdentifierObj nsIInterfaceInfo *    interfaceinfo,
char *    identifier

Creates a new TclXPCOM identifier object that holds a copy of the given interface info and identifier.

a new identifier object with refcount 0
interfaceinfo  (in) interface info of identifier
identifier  (in) name of identifier

Definition at line 974 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

References CloneMemory, and IdentifierType.

Tcl_Obj* TclXPCOM_NewPointerObj void *    ptr

Creates a new TclXPCOM pointer object.

a new pointer object with refcount 0
ptr  (in) pointer value to be held by the object

Definition at line 1002 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

References PointerType.

int TclXPCOM_GetPointerFromObj Tcl_Interp *    interp,
Tcl_Obj *    objPtr,
void **    ptr

Retrieves the TclXPCOM pointer internal representation from a Tcl object. If an error occurs, a message will be left in 'interp's result unless 'interp' is NULL.

Return values:
TCL_OK  - if successful
TCL_ERROR  - if an error occurred
interp  (in) interpreter to store any error messages
objPtr  (in) Tcl object
ptr  (out) address to store the pointer

Definition at line 1029 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

References PointerType.

int TclXPCOM_IsNULL Tcl_Obj *    objPtr

Predicate that determines whether a Tcl object is 'NULL'

Return values:
1  - the Tcl object is NULL
0  - the Tcl object is not NULL
objPtr  (in) Tcl object

Definition at line 1059 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

References NULL_STRINGREP, and PointerType.

int TclXPCOM_GetISupportsFromObj Tcl_Interp *    interp,
Tcl_Obj *    objPtr,
nsISupports **    isupports,
nsIInterfaceInfo **    interfaceinfo

Retrieves the TclXPCOM interface reference internal representation from a Tcl object. If an error occurs, a message will be left in 'interp's result unless 'interp' is NULL.

Return values:
TCL_OK  - if successful
TCL_ERROR  - if an error occurred
interp  (in) interpreter to store any error messages
objPtr  (in) Tcl object
isupports  (out) address to store interface pointer
interfaceinfo  (out) address to store the interface info

Definition at line 1090 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

References ISupportsType.

int TclXPCOM_QueryISupportsObj Tcl_Interp *    interp,
Tcl_Obj *    objPtr,
nsIInterfaceInfo *    queryinfo,
nsISupports **    result

Attempts to retrieve an interface pointer from the given Tcl object that matches the given interface. 'result' will be set to an AddRefed interface pointer which must eventually be Released. If an error occurs, a message will be left in 'interp's result unless 'interp' is NULL.

Return values:
TCL_OK  - if successful
TCL_ERROR  - if an error occurred
interp  (in) interpreter to store any error messages
objPtr  (in) Tcl object
queryinfo  (in) requested interface
result  (out) address to store AddRefed interface pointer

Definition at line 1130 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

References GetInterfaceRef, QueryInterfaceIRef, and TclXPCOM_GetISupportsFromObj.

int TclXPCOM_GetIdentifierFromObj Tcl_Interp *    interp,
Tcl_Obj *    objPtr,
nsIInterfaceInfo **    interfaceinfo,
char **    identifier

Retrieves the TclXPCOM identifier internal representation from a Tcl object. If an error occurs, a message will be left in 'interp's result unless 'interp' is NULL.

Return values:
TCL_OK  - if successful
TCL_ERROR  - if an error occurred
interp  (in) interpreter to store any error messages
objPtr  (in) Tcl object
interfaceinfo  (out) address to store the interface info
identifier  (out) address to store the identifier name

Definition at line 1175 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

References IdentifierType.

int TclXPCOM_GetNsIDFromObj Tcl_Interp *    interp,
Tcl_Obj *    objPtr,
nsID **    id

Retrieves the nsID internal representation from a Tcl object. If an error occurs, a message will be left in 'interp's result unless 'interp' is NULL.

Return values:
TCL_OK  - if successful
TCL_ERROR  - if an error occurred
interp  (in) interpreter to store any error messages
objPtr  (in) Tcl object
id  (out) address to store a pointer to the nsID

Definition at line 1210 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

References NsIDType.

void TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes void   

Registers the custom TclXPCOM Object types with Tcl.

Definition at line 1237 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

References CmdNameType, DuplicateCmdNameObj, DuplicateIdentifierObj, DuplicateISupportsObj, DuplicateNsIDObj, FreeCmdNameObj, FreeIdentifierObj, FreeISupportsObj, FreeNsIDObj, IdentifierType, ISupportsType, NsIDType, PointerType, SavedCmdNameType, SetCmdNameFromAny, SetIdentifierFromAny, SetISupportsFromAny, SetNsIDFromAny, SetPointerFromAny, SetWideIntFromAny, TCLXPCOM_IDENTIFIERTYPENAME, TCLXPCOM_ISUPPORTSTYPENAME, TCLXPCOM_NSIDTYPENAME, TCLXPCOM_POINTERTYPENAME, TCLXPCOM_WIDEINTTYPENAME, UpdateStringOfCmdName, UpdateStringOfIdentifier, UpdateStringOfISupports, UpdateStringOfNsID, UpdateStringOfPointer, UpdateStringOfWideInt, and WideIntType.

Referenced by Tclxpcom_Init.

Variable Documentation

TclXPCOM_Command isupportscmd [static]

Initial value:


Definition at line 120 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

TclXPCOM_ResolvedCmdName resolvedisupports [static]

Initial value:


Definition at line 138 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

Tcl_ObjType ISupportsType

Definition at line 148 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

Referenced by TclXPCOM_GetISupportsFromObj, and TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes.

Tcl_ObjType SavedCmdNameType [static]

Definition at line 150 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

Referenced by DuplicateCmdNameObj, FreeCmdNameObj, SetCmdNameFromAny, and TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes.

Tcl_ObjType NsIDType [static]

Definition at line 151 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

Referenced by SetNsIDFromAny, TclXPCOM_GetNsIDFromObj, TclXPCOM_NewNsIDObj, and TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes.

Tcl_ObjType PointerType [static]

Definition at line 152 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

Referenced by SetPointerFromAny, TclXPCOM_GetPointerFromObj, TclXPCOM_IsNULL, TclXPCOM_NewPointerObj, and TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes.

Tcl_ObjType IdentifierType [static]

Definition at line 153 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

Referenced by SetIdentifierFromAny, TclXPCOM_GetIdentifierFromObj, TclXPCOM_NewIdentifierObj, and TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes.

Tcl_ObjType* CmdNameType [static]

Definition at line 154 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

Referenced by SetISupportsFromAny, TclXPCOM_NewISupportsObj, and TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes.

Tcl_ObjType WideIntType [static]

Definition at line 158 of file TclXPCOMObjType.cpp.

Referenced by SetWideIntFromAny, TclXPCOM_GetWideIntFromObj, TclXPCOM_NewWideIntObj, and TclXPCOM_RegisterObjTypes.

Generated on Fri Jun 14 23:25:52 2002 for TclXPCOM by doxygen1.2.14 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2002